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Code of Conduct


  1. Mission


Welcome to the Thrive community. We are delighted to give you a warm welcome to this space.


Our mission is to achieve gender equality. To that end, we will be working hard to ensure that we align our actions with that purpose. These Community Guidelines should not only help you understand how to act within the community but also help you understand what to expect from others in this space.


  1. Helpful and Relevant


The Thrive community is intended to provide helpful, relevant education and awareness raising on gender equality. Content you submit should be relevant and informed to this mission.


  1. Respect Others


We value diverse opinions and being challenged. You may disagree with others in the course of working towards gender equality. Keep in mind that while you might disagree with something, this does not necessarily mean it is a simple wrong or right answer. When challenging someone, remember to be respectful in your language and tone. 


Avoid name-calling, ad hominem attacks, responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, and knee-jerk contradiction. If you disagree with someone, try to understand and share their feelings before you address them. This will promote a respectful and friendly atmosphere where people feel comfortable asking questions, participating in discussions, and making contributions. Additionally, communicating with strangers on the Internet can be awkward. Try to use clear language, and thank about how it will be received by the other person.


In particular:


  1. Don’t post content that is libellous, defamatory, harassing, threatening or inflammatory. For example, don’t use obscenities or profanity, and don’t express hatred or intolerance for people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability, including by promoting organisations with such views.

  2. Don’t post content that is obscene, pornographic, or lewd, or that contains nudity or sexually explicit images.

  3. Don’t post content that invades others’ privacy. For example, don’t post other people’s phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, or other personal information, and don’t post links to phishing or other malware sites.

  4. Don’t impersonate other people or organisations or pretend to be someone or something you’re not.

  5. Don’t repeatedly send messages or requests to other people.

  6. Don’t attempt to drown out other people’s opinions, including by posting from multiple accounts or coordinating with others.

  7. Don’t engage in name-calling or attack people based on whether you agree with them.

  8. You may question the beliefs and expertise of others as long as it is relevant and done in a respectful and non-threatening manner.


  1. Taking Action


If you see something that you think contravenes this policy or the values of Thrive, email

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